Reflections From Behind The Iron Curtain

I hope the trend in this country towards Socialism will reverse and America will remain the greatest country ever created by the some very wise men.

Reflections From Behind The Iron Curtain is intended to outline parallels of social and political trends in this country versus Communism / Socialism. The Communism attempted and failed to deliver what present political leaders claim to be able to do today.

Old Saying from behind the Iron Curtain:

Capitalism is looking into a pitch dark room for a white cat and has hard time finding it.

Communism is looking into a pitch dark room for a black cat and claims it found it.

Jul 12, 2008

Inside Communism – Personal Rights (Must Read)

Everybody knows the Communism does not work. Socialism is communism in disguise. I always asked myself, why there is such a strong socialist undercurrent in this country of USA?

The following is an insight into the inner workings of a communist society. Statements and stories are not necessarily listed in any order; just thoughts from my personal experience.

Personal Rights

There are no rights. No litigation against the state is possible. The state is never wrong. No litigation against an individual would ever occur; nobody had any money to be collected from.

Individuals were simply “imprisoned” in their homes, city, county and ultimately, country boundaries – the armed guard borders. Dictatorship of the proletarians as claimed by the communist doctrine turned into the dictatorship over the proletarians.

My biological father left my mother, when I was three years old, to join the communist party. Five years later, he became an important communist leader in charge with a large territory. Few years after that he was sent to a labor camp where he spent years, not as a leader, as a convict. When he was released he was a broken man. He died at an early age.

My uncle, who was a hotel manager, was arrested as he got off the train coming home. He showed up two years later and nobody knew where he was all this time.

One of my schoolmate’s father was arrested when my freind was only five. After 15 years, when my schoolmate was 20, his father showed up at the door of their residence. All these years his family didn’t know anything about his whereabouts.

A friend of my family, a medical doctor, run into some political problems with the government. His practice license as well as his driving license were suspended. He had to take a labor job, but most upsetting was the fact that he owned a motorcycle he could not use, nor could he sell it. People did not have the money to buy it.

The father of one of my childhood friends, was a taxi driver who owned his cab, a 1938 Cadillac. When the communism system took over, the government suspended his license as an operator as well as the registration license for his cab. He had his automobile sitting in his garage for more that 15 years. He could not drive it, nor could he sell it.

During my teenage years I was involved in competitive athletics: bicycle, skiing and speed ice skating. At the age of 19 I qualified for the national team (bicycling), training for the 1964 Tokyo summer Olympics. During training, the team participated in international races, mostly held in Eastern European countries. My country refused to issue me a passport and I was dropped from the team. I never found out why, in spite of repeated requests at all levels of government.

In the above cases, none of the individuals committed any crimes against the state. The only thing they did, they spoke against the government or were critical of it. I could never find out from them the actual charges. Of course if you were too nosy, you could end up in jail yourself. Everybody was numb and did not want to talk about it.

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