Reflections From Behind The Iron Curtain

I hope the trend in this country towards Socialism will reverse and America will remain the greatest country ever created by the some very wise men.

Reflections From Behind The Iron Curtain is intended to outline parallels of social and political trends in this country versus Communism / Socialism. The Communism attempted and failed to deliver what present political leaders claim to be able to do today.

Old Saying from behind the Iron Curtain:

Capitalism is looking into a pitch dark room for a white cat and has hard time finding it.

Communism is looking into a pitch dark room for a black cat and claims it found it.

May 1, 2008

Liberalism Is About Empty Promises And No Deliveries

One year after settling in New York as an immigrant (legal, mind you), I applied and was accepted at Columbia University, Graduate Program evening classes. This was a three credit class. Each point of credit cost was $110. My salary at the time was $135 per week. I figured, it was well worth it and I could afford it.

My course was in computer programming. The home-work required writing computer programs and submitting them to my professor. The only way I could test my programs was at the university using their terminals. Although the class was held only once a week, I spent every evening at the university, in the computer room, to learn and get my program right.

The year was 1972. The students took over the Mathematics building due to something happening in Venezuela. Columbia University closed the computer building for safety reasons. For six weeks I could not do my homework. This was my first exposure to the liberalism in America. Columbia University couldn’t care less about me learning.

Columbia University, like most universities, had an internal employment program that paid a little bit of money and allowed you to attend day classes. When I applied, I was told the positions were only available to minorities and I did not qualify because, and I quote: “there are not enough of you”, whatever that means. Figure this thing out. I thought liberalism was about helping people in need.

Note from the editor

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Computer Security

As a computer/internet user you already know how important the security of your computer is. I am a retired computer designer, had computers in my house for more than 25 years. For most part, I didn’t have to worry much about the safety of my computer, except in the last few years. Presently, I am evaluating and changing my computer security program every six months.

Here is the latest: Netcom3 Internet Security.

Better feel safe than sorry.