Reflections From Behind The Iron Curtain

I hope the trend in this country towards Socialism will reverse and America will remain the greatest country ever created by the some very wise men.

Reflections From Behind The Iron Curtain is intended to outline parallels of social and political trends in this country versus Communism / Socialism. The Communism attempted and failed to deliver what present political leaders claim to be able to do today.

Old Saying from behind the Iron Curtain:

Capitalism is looking into a pitch dark room for a white cat and has hard time finding it.

Communism is looking into a pitch dark room for a black cat and claims it found it.

Jun 21, 2008

The Government at Work. It steals you blindly if it can

The Government at Work. It steals you blindly if it can

Take a look at my recent telephone bill, period ending May 28. I had not made a single telephone call using the land line during this pay period. My basic service is 10.94 and my bill is 20.68. That represents almost 90% in taxes and surcharges going to the government from a service I don’t even use.

Tr Cojoc

May 28 Telephone bill – AT&T

During the month of May I had not made a single telephone call using the land line.

Here is my bill:

Monthly Service

1. Residence Flat Rate Service 10.94

2. Caller ID Selective Blocking 0.00

Total Monthly Service 10.94

Surcharges and Other Fees

3. Federal Subscriber Line Charge 4.40

4. Rate Surcharge .26

5. State Regulatory Fee .02

6. Federal Universal Service Fee .49

Total Surcharges and Other Fees 5.17

Total Plans and Services 16.89

Government Fees and Taxes

7. CA High Cost Fund Surcharge – A .01

8. CA High Cost Fund-B and CA Advanced Svc Fund .06

9. California Teleconnect Fund Surcharge .01

10. Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Surcharge .13

11. CA Relay Service and Communications Devices Fund .02

12. 9-1-1 Emergency System .06

13. Federal .49

Total Government Fees and Taxes .78

AT&T Long Distance

Monthly Service Charges

1. OneRate Natn 10 Cent 2.00

Total Service Charges 2.00

Surcharges and Other Fees

2 Carrier Cost Recovery Fee 1.49

3. Fed Universal Service Fund .27

Total Surcharges and Other Fees 1.76

Government Fees and Taxes

4. CA High Cost Fund B and CA Advanced Svc Fund .01

5. CA State Emergency Telephone Users (911) Tax .01

6. CA Teleconnect Fund (0.13%) .00

7. CA Universal Lifeline Tel. Service Fund .01

Total Government Fees and Taxes .03

Total AT&T Long Distance 3.79

Total Current Charges 16.89 + 3.79 = 20.68

Note from the editor

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Computer Security

As a computer/internet user you already know how important the security of your computer is. I am a retired computer designer, had computers in my house for more than 25 years. For most part, I didn’t have to worry much about the safety of my computer, except in the last few years. Presently, I am evaluating and changing my computer security program every six months. Here is the latest: Netcom3 Internet Security.

Better feel safe than sorry.

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